Lesson 3- What are the constant attributes of God Almighty?
Produced by: Mansoureh Shobeyri Khaghani
Translated by: Shobeir Shobeyri Khaghani
English voice by: Seyed Kazem Zaghir Zadeh
Since God is an infinite existence and His attributes are part of Him and not additions, then His attributes must also be infinite just like His Essence.
The attributes of God are divided into two types: attributes of majesty and attributes of beauty.
Attributes of majesty are those that refer to the greatness, power, authority, pride and might of God.
For example
The Mighty - The Sultan - The Compelling - The Dominant
Attributes of beauty are qualities that refer to mercy and divine kindness.
for example
The Merciful - The Just - The Appreciative
God Almighty also has Self attributes and Creator attributes.
Self attributes are those that refer to God alone and not what he does.
For example: that he is alive - that he is infinite - that he is one - that he is eternal.
Creator attributes are about him being the creator of everything.
For example: He is The Provider - The Creator - The Giver
لله تعالى كذلك صفات ذات وصفات فعل
صفات الذات هي التي ترجع إلى الله وحده دون غيره
مثلا : أنه حي - أنه لامتناهي - أنه واحد - أنه أزلي و أبدي -
و هناك صفات الفعل التي ترجع إلى المخلوقات
مثلا: أنه رازق - خالق- معطي-
What are the attributes that God Almighty cannot have?
الصفات التي تتشابه مع صفات المخلوقات لا تكون لله
مثلا: الله ليس بجسم
الله لا يكون في مكان
الله لا يكون في زمان دون زمان آخر
الله غير مادي
الله لا شريك له
الله لا يمكن أن يكون صادقا على اثنين
الله ليس مركب من أجزاء
Attributes that belong to God's creatures do not belong to God:
For example: God is not a body
God is not in a certain place.
God is not in a certain time. He is in all times at once.
God is not made of physical matter
God has no partner
God is not made of parts
Is it permissible for us to create characteristics and attribute them to God?
Where do we learn God's attributes?
لأن علمنا محدود فلا نتمكن أن نخلق من أنفسنا صفاتا و ننسبها إلى الله
بل يجب علينا أن نقول فقط الصفات التي وردت في القرآن أو وردت في أحاديث الرسول و أهل البيت عليهم السلام
Because our knowledge is limited, we cannot create from ourselves characteristics and attribute them to God.
Rather, we must only go with the attributes that were mentioned in the Qur’an, and the hadiths of the Messenger and Ahl ul-Bayt, peace be upon them.
ما هي المخلوقات التي لها عقل في عالم الإمكان
1- الإنسان
2- الملائكة
3- الجن
4- الروح
What are the creatures that have the power of thought in the world of matter?
1- Humans
2- Angels
3- Jinn
4- Soul
في الدرس القادم سوف نتكلم عن المخلوقات الأربعة التي لها عقل
In the next lesson, we will talk about God's creatures that have the power of thought and understand things.